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Milfy City is finally out with a 1.0! And you can get it exclusively on Adult Games APK, or anywhere else, what do I care? I review sites like AdultGamesAPK every single day and most of the time I’m pretty underwhelmed because the one job they’re supposed to do they do terribly – AdultGamesAPK is an exception. That one job that I expect them to do is curation. I depend on sites like AdultGamesAPK to find the actual games worth playing so that I know what to download, even if I don’t get them from the site itself. If I didn’t depend on the site’s selection of games, then they would be useless to me. I can just hop on over to F95 or whatever and get my games per title. No need for that on AdultGamesAPK. 

These guys are doing it right. True to their name, they have APK files for every game they’ve got listed on here and boy do they have a lot of games listed. These are all Android compatible and same as their PC counterparts, they’d run on just about any old potato you’ve got lying around. I wouldn’t be surprised to see these games run on an Android phone from like 15 years ago. Did we even have Androids back then? Whatever. The point is that these games are optimized for your pleasure and since they’re APK files they all run locally once you have them. In other words, you don’t have to be online to play them. AdultGamesAPK is here to serve you a very nice a la carte selection of perfect pussy games and you just get to keep them all for free. What a time to be alive!

The Site’s Design

I like it. I like the design. It’s plain white with a ton of large images representing the games. I do hate that they use official cover art where possible, because developers tend to use cover art in order to trick you into thinking their games are better than they actually are. This isn’t always the case. Sometimes cover art will be earnest and actually showcase gameplay, but there’s a reason why I always use actual in-game screenshots of the games I review, when I do a per-title page. I want you to actually see what you’re getting, as opposed to being tricked into downloading a huge APK only to find that you accidentally downloaded a text-only game or some shit, when you were expecting a 3DCG.

Another thing I like about the design is that they have very simple and neat categories, my favorite of which is completed games, like the aforementioned Milfy City. I actually found it there, in the completed section. I was blown away. I’ve been waiting for Milfy City to hit 1.0 for over two years now and apparently it happened last September. I kind of lost track. Hell, I kind of gave up on that game because the blue balling was so severe. Leave it to AdultGamesAPK to bring me the exact update I was looking for.

Keep Coming Back for More

You see, this is exactly why these kinds of sites are bookmark worthy. They bring you the fresh and important information, without bombarding you with bullshit. I recently reviewed a site that looked exactly like AdultGamesAPK, but it was littered with garbage games to pad out the list for no fucking reason. This doesn’t help. We don’t need thousands of garbage games interspersed with a few gems. Just give me the fucking gems. I don’t care if it limits your selection, just do what AdultGamesAPK are doing and show me the fucking good stuff. It’s what I came here for in the first place.

Some people will tell you that every porn game out there is worth playing. Some people are wrong. Most people who aren’t me are wrong. I’m telling you, the games on AdultGamesAPK are a careful selection of games worth playing. Anything outside of this scope is either going to be trash or it’s going to be a visual novel. I’m glad that AdultGamesAPK isn’t bowing down to the powers of visual novels. They’re beloved by many, I know, but they’re also holding the porn game industry down the same way MOBAs ruined strategy games. Fuck that noise.

I Love This Place

I can’t recommend AdultGamesAPK enough thanks to their simplicity and their devotion to quality porn game submission. Also, they don’t seem to be doing much to screw you out of your pennies. Sure, they have some ads here and there, but what really stuck with me was that when I tried to download a random game, I immediately arrived on Mega with a download link. That’s… incredible, to say the least. Most sites like this will give me at least two or three bounces across paid affiliate link bullshit trying to sell me dick pills. AdultGamesAPK just… sent me to the damn download location. This is insane. I don’t know how they’re making their money, but I’m glad it’s working out. Plus, they have a link to my site in a neat little corner on top of the screen. I appreciate that. It shows they really have good taste. 

The games that I checked out were mostly 3DCGs and I recommend that you try these out too. They come in a variety of different genres, though a lot of them are very family oriented. I don’t know why, but the step-sister trend is refusing to die. Maybe more people have deep seated incestual issues than we thought. I certainly didn’t think this was the case. I mean, if I find out a hot chick is related to me that doesn’t make her more appealing to me. If anything, it kills my boner. Maybe I’m overly judgmental or a bit conservative, but I think it’s a jolly good time when you go out of your way not to bang your siblings. What do I know? By most people’s standards I’m a fucked-up pervert. Maybe step-sisters are the new bread and butter and I’m just broken.

Fresh, New, Exciting and Original

Back to the 3DCGs, a lot of them reuse the same publicly available assets that are basically comprised of like 20 babes that everyone uses in every 3DCG. It’s kind of like they’re actresses being cast in different roles. You’ve seen this actress as a thick mommy, well now she’s a single librarian. Wow, what a novelty. She also dyed her hair a slightly darker shade of brown. That means it’s an original design. Look, I’m not trying to rag on people who like cutting corners when they make porn games – not everyone can be an expert at making 3D models. I’m just a bit tired of seeing the same chicks in different games.

That being said, AdultGamesAPK seems to be working overtime to find new games that feature new assets from new developers who are just now breaking into the scene. I’m down with this shit. They’re not all winners, but I’m not seeing a lot of failures here. It’s either lukewarm smut or it’s the bees’ knees. I like this smut. I like the 2D western stuff and I like the new 3DCGs. Then, there are always the original killers like Milfy City that are just now hitting 1.0. What can I say? My cup runneth over with pussy.

This Site is a Fucking Gem

I would recommend that you bookmark this site and keep coming back to it once every few days for some fresh releases that are sure to get your blood pumping. These games are hot and they’re clearly made by people who car about your masturbatory adventures. Porn game developers are clearly the same kind of perverts as you, they just have more time on their hands. They want to teach the world to fap in perfect harmony, and all that.

I like the work they’ve done and I’m grateful to AdultGamesAPK for bringing it all under one roof with simple download links that seem to be blazing fast across all games. Unless you manage to hit Mega’s daily download limit or something, you can theoretically keep downloading games from this site forever. You can get every single title on here and no-one will mind. Hell, they’re overjoyed that you’re enjoying yourself. I personally don’t have any specific recommendations like I normally do, because I trust the selection process on this site and I’m sure that whatever game you choose to play, it’s going to be entertaining.

As for the genres and topics, well, that’s always up to you. If you like step-sisters, it’s on you to decide to fap to them. It’s also on you to afford your own therapy. I ain’t your preacher man. Figure that shit out on your own time. I’m just saying that while you need the interactive smut, the interactive smut will be here on AdultGamesAPK just waiting for you and your Android phone.  

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  • Countless awesome games
  • Great layout
  • Simple, fast, easy to navigate

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  • Nothing much
